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The Red Pill and the Blue Pill in hands; implying the offer and choice to make.

Conspiracy Headquarters

The Place to take the Red Pill

This web site is designed to provide an abundance of resources for all truth seekers, especially in the areas of Conspiracy Theory, Theology, and the True Historical Record. If you are here for the "Useful Conspiracy Links" then hit the button first yellow below RESOURCES to be taken immediately to those research sources at the page bottom. Otherwise just scroll down for the Great CONSPIRACY ICEBERG LIST!


ALPHABETICALLY (for the most part) LISTED [TIER 1]

Scroll Down and read over the big points or take a deep dive down the various links and assundry rabbit holes on your chosen subject of the iceberg; get lost in the depths of speculation and thought experiments; or wade through the weeds of ideology. Do whatever it takes to finally find that elusive answer...

...only to discover that you now have 10 more questions to seek out. Its a thrilling and seemingly never ending journey of mental growth and spiritual enlightenment that some of us can't get enough of in this life.

The Illumianti Control Systems of the world
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TIER 1 - "The Crazy-head/Curiosity Seeker" or CONSPIRACY THEORIST

Combining subjects from the famous Conspiracy iceberg from Reddit, Wendigoon's YouTube Channel Playlist, Limitless Possibility's List, as well as MY OWN research details - I have come up with the following explanatory KEY Conspiracy Concepts or Subject pages: Each one detailing an item from the Conspiracy Iceberg.

This first Tier is the basics of Conspiracy research. Future deeper Tier's will go even farther in these and many other conspiracy topics. But till those Tier pages are created, please enjoy this first Tier of the now legendary Conspiracy Iceberg deep dive. This page last updated 4/15/24


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The most infamous terrorist attack in history and arguably the most insane false flag event ever pulled off; THIS is where many Normies begin their "Red Pill" Journey. And it often starts out with realizing that Tower 7 fell after experiencing only small localized fires...


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Extraterrestrial Beings

And at times, these can also be extra-dimensional. These are fully sentient persons who originate from worlds beyond; other planets in other stars systems and distant galaxies.


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Artificial Humans created (currently) by either our clandestine military industrial complex, or by aliens.

An Android is a human like artificial being. One famous instance of an android is in the film Alien as the character Ash. That android appears and largely acts like a human being.


Unfortunately I do not currently have an individual page set up for this subject in order to go more in depth - but do look for more to be posted here sometime in the years to come. I am greatly limited at present by this free web site's memory storage capacity. So until I have the money to purchase a larger web site creation ability, I cannot build much more to this internet space.


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A Mysterious place that is - in one way or the other - on the very extreme edges of our world.

This frozen, ice desert continent was explored by the likes of Admiral Richard Byrd and then quickly sealed away behind the red tape of an international treaty. Now visitors seem to only be able to visit by way of government monitored and carefully choreographed tours to McMurdo Station and the like.


Flat Earthers ironically have a ball with this one!


Also check out Steven Quayle's Book


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Our Vibes

That thing which most of us humans can't see but which we can usually feel. This web page's author actually knows two people personally who can see these things. Human females seem to be wired to detect other's vibes far more successfully than us guys can. And FYI, the pictures above were taken with a camera that can capture auras.

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North West of Las Vegas NEVADA

Part of the many military zones or "areas" in the now infamous  Nevada Test and Training Range stretching for miles north and north west of the tiny Creek Air Force Base. And to the East of the top secret site is the little tourist trap town of Rachel where UFO enthusiast can visit the "Little Ale-Inn" and souvenir Shop. For decades now, many sky watchers have spotted unique craft flying in and out of this base. And anyone who works here must hold a high ATS Clearance. See this Web Site for more info.

Baby Monitor Portals

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Ann odd Little Theory...

I have no intentions of making a whole web page on this niche topic. Suffice it to say that some paranoid individuals fear that Baby Monitors may have secret in-built technology that creates means or "portals" i.e. Dimensional Doorways allowing Demons of other spirits/entities to come into this world and mess with sleeping babies/children.


No, if there is any threat at all, it is with hackers. Deep research on the technology of spying on everyday citizens is where this "baby monitor" theory may be able to make a case.


The Most Famous Lost City in the World

An epic and technologically advanced ancient urban location of legend and lore that disappeared into the sea in a night and a day. Many locations have been postulated to be the location of this mythical lost city; but the ancients (such as Plato) thought for sure it was located in North West Africa, in the land we now call Mauritania and on the land feature known now as the Eye of the Desert.

Check out this Joe Rogan Interview

And Follow up VIDEO


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A Strange thing on the Sea Floor

Discovered by sea floor scans, this Millennium Falcon shaped object is more than big enough to be a starship, but perhaps its just a carved rock leftover from when the ocean's were much lower. But it can't be a natural rock formation - no one in their right mind believes that... unless they have some agenda to push.

Basement Tapes

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Frightful things; Snuff Films and Such

This Page will be a dark, dark place of research whenever I get around to building it. Its just not a pleasant thing to consider; that some sick people out there like to video tape themselves doing horrific things to their fellow man... torture, rape, murder - you get the grim picture.

But to give you seekers at least a small glimpse of what Basement Tapes are like, I will provide a link to an amazingly crafted video by the YouTuber NEXPO below. Expect to find more info here on this Subject in the coming years.

Bell Island Explosion

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An Unexplained Event

Though it is somewhat of a minor mystery, it is still intriguing as nobody knows what caused the boom. Read about it below:

BEKs or Black Eyed Kids

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Creepy "Kids" who are also sometimes lumped in with the Indigo Children but when seen are often assumed to be demons due to their unsettling aura.

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This topic is HUGE!

Expect an entire series of pages to be eventually created by this Subject. The age of some portions of this book; the many people who have been involved in writing or translating it; the tales of heroism and villainy that are associated with it - it seriously gets crazy! So buckle up and get ready; this is going to be wild!!



The Drug and "Medicine" Corporations

This is another HUGE and controversial Subject. For decades now the Pharmaceutical industry has been a massive part of our modern economy; taking in multiple hundreds of billions of dollars from cancer patients, Doctor prescribed drug patients, Hospitals, the Public School system - which orders millions upon millions of vaccines every single year - and all of the hundreds of thousands of Pharmacies across the civilized world which sell millions of dollars worth of drugs each and every month.

BIGFOOT or Sasquatch (Yeti)

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The Elusive North American Ape

Some form of this animal also exists in Asia and Australia and is called the Yeti and skunk Ape or Rock Ape. But the Bigfoot is a legendary American cryptic that has roamed the wilds of the deep forests for centuries indicated by the Native American term Sasquatch and their tall tales of such a creature.



The Most Public Group with close ties to the ultra secret Illuminati

The Bilderberg is ostensibly a Western economic meeting of the world's top minds and leaders for purely innocent and humanitarian reasons. But nobody with an objective assessment of the facts available agrees with that. But it is up to you to decide for yourself. Here is the official Bilderberg Web page. And below is 20 facts about the Bilderberg.


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Just a bland Internet and cell phone tower?

Or something far more nefarious?

Conspiracies abound with this thing - or these things. We all know the cover story, but the real "fun" comes in all the theories. Chief among them being the dangers of 5G and radiation. And what happens when you bring a radiation detector anywhere near the base of these towers?? See This Article



The Deep State's Favorite Activity

Starting from a very young age, clueless parents put their kids in public Schools, sit them down in front of Main Stream Media, and let them get on the world wide web without much oversight; its a wonder our modern civilization hasn't collapsed already. But I suppose that is because all the smart people are out there holding the rest of the society up as best they can. Take a look at this VIDEO of some intelligent people Reacting to Idiocy. And here is an in depth academic look at the concept of Brainwashing

(CERN) Large Hadron Collider

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A Giant Science Project

This huge underground device is a particle accelerator. If you want to more details, then Check out the CERN Website. The conspiracy comes into play when you begin reading about what they do there, what could happen if they make a mistake, or open a black hole, and also when you see the strange ceremonies they have done to commemorate this science facility, you might begin to wonder too. It really is odd. Oh, and they have a statue of the Hindu Destroyer Goddess out front of the Office building. (Huge Shrug) Definitely look to see more on this Subject here later on.

Celebrity Deaths


Suspicious Ends

When certain high profile people die in ways that leaves those close suspecting foul play... again and again; something must be up. The very best sources (like Donald Marshall) say that these people are being killed off whenever they try and "stop playing the game" and wish to speak out or get away from the Hollywood evil. Check out the link below to see more. And expect to see this Subject made into its own page in the coming years.


Some of the most famous celebrity deaths that are disputed with controversial theories include Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston; but there are MANY more. I would love to make an entire page dedicated to this subject one day.

Coriander; An Alien Plant?


This is an odd little conspiracy; one I do not know much about having heard very little about it.


The seasoning's biggest controversy is usually concerning how half of humanity seems to hate it, and the other half love putting it on their food. I don't personally care either way. The "seasoning" seems fairly bland to me. But allegedly there is an entire theory out there about it having come from another planet altogether. If this is true; does it mean those who like it are part alien? Or is this all just silly nonsense??



Not to be confused with Harmless Contrails

A Contrail is that short and quickly disappearing cloud tail airplanes produce at high altitudes. But Chemtrails are thick, billowing, and being sprayed deliberately by  the airplane; often all white military aircraft sporting only a tale number. The most common substance being released into the air is particulate aluminum. And why are they doing this? Practical answer is that industrial corporations are simply doing it for financial reasons; a quick way to get rid of otherwise expensive dust. But conspiracy theories say they are using it to kill us; i.e. Population Control. There is also the theory that it is to help against global warming. But definitely expect to see a page made on this topic in the future as there is much information to go over on this point.



The Virus of 2020

This hot-button topic is allegedly a naturally occurring virus according to Main Stream News & Medical Experts, a disease created by China according to President Trump, and a thing that Dr. Anthony Fauci had patents on if you can believe it; or at least he held patents on its predecessors. (COVID 17 and such like) This manufactured disease was then used very effectively by our masters to manufacture a world wide Plandemic which forced Tyrannical lock-downs on almost all of Western Society.

CIA War on Drugs


A Controlled "War"

The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil. This is a Biblical quote often misquoted. Money is not the evil thing - but the LOVE of it is. And the CIA has quickly learned how to use this "love" to their advantage. They bring in billions every year by way of drug trafficking. It is sad but true; some wars are never meant to be won. I will definitely be making an entire page on this later on.


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Alien Made or Human Made?

The debates rage around this issue, with many saying it is all hoaxed by people while others insist it was done by aliens. But what if these circles are done by man made UFO technology? of course - if you go really deep on this topic - you will find some believe that the Earth itself manifests these field images all on its own. However they are accomplished, we cannot deny their awe inspiring beauty. Expect to see more on this topic later.

Climate Denial

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This topic is no really a conspiracy as much as it is going against one of the most popular conspiracy theories of all time: Man-made Global Warming also now known as Climate Change. It is one of those select few theories that almost all of Main Stream Media, Academia, Science, and Government all agree on (which should be alarming all on its own); the so called fact that mankind is destroying the planet. Never mind that any objective assessment shows that we tend to only temporarily destroy our local environments while the planet lives on - in fact, usually thrives on - with dynamic success. Also, we have come along ways in how we deal with waste and build our industries. If you can ignore the "Carbon is bad: lie, you can clearly see that we are doing GREAT! Definitely plan to make a whole page on this topic later on.


Or the Study of Cryptids

Cryptozoology is the study of those animals that are not yet proven to be real; like BIGFOOT, or Nessy, or Elchupacadra. It can also involved more mythological creatures of legend like dragons, the Kraken, and mermaids. So expect to see a whole page dedicated to this topic in the future. See this LINK for a list of each famous US cryptid.


A Whole New level of Thinking

Enlightenment pertains to Philosophy and is, at the very least, a Paradigm Shift. It is the reaching of a whole new level or stage of thinking in your mind. While it is not a conspiracy on its own, it is on this list because, a conspiracy researcher will very often attain enlightenment about himself, the world around him, or about his worldview during his rabbit hole adventures. Enlightenment is a big psychological adjustment in your way of perceiving life and is vital in moving towards and realizing inner peace.


Some researchers consider the first step in your enlightenment to be that moment when you are red pilled.



An Internet Pastime

Certain macabre people love all things creepy, horrific, and frightening; these are the beings that feast on creepypasta - a weird name for anything that brings on the fear. The reason this may be on the conspiracy iceberg is because many stories and elements of conspiracy can be classified as creepypastas. See this Wikipedia list of popular Creepypastas.


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The Theories of End Times or the APOCALYPSE

Eschatology is the study of Last Things or End Times. At some point this Earth's time will come to an end. And who is better to tell us when and what that will be than the Great Being Who started it all: the Great CREATOR Himself - GOD. After all, it is His Book that started all of this End Times talk anyways. And one reason this Topic is found on the Conspiracy Iceberg is likely because there have been a number of theories concerning "them" hiding the truth from us about the Apocalypse. For instance - what if it has already occurred and the "End Times" was not what we are being told? What if allegory has been made to read as literal future prophecy?? What if the Apocalypse is history??? But most believe it is still future and coming soon.


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When an Attack is Blamed on Someone else; usually another Nation

The picture is of the smoking WTC because this was likely the largest and most traumatic False Flag in history. Its easily the best one to use in symbolizing this Subject. Many other events in history relating to conflict tie in with powerful False Flag events. The Reichstag's Fire in Berlin Germany is another good example. But see this Documentary for more info. Much more data to be posted on a dedicated page here in the future.


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Main Stream Media

The Main Stream Media are the big corporation, elite, establishment organizations and so called news groups that try and control the narrative. President Trump made famous the term "Fake News" and it simply refers to the proclivity for the Media to bold face LIE and always twist and bend reports to their benefit or agenda even when reporting about real events. Their overt bias and wicked ability to twist any situation to their will is of the Devil. They can make a good man look like a villain on their propaganda reports.


I definitely intend to make a full page on this Topic one day.



Its Not Federal and is Not a Reserve.

The Federal Reserve (most commonly abbreviated as FED) is a private banking organization run by a board of financial advisors and Chairman selected by the U.S. President which is one of the few ways this organization has any oversight. This is  a HUGE topic that will require a big page (or pages) to fully divest. So expect to see much more here soon.


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Do we live on a Sphere?

Flat Earth Research is strangely appealing. When you dig down into it you find that there are far too many things that seem to prove them right. But they can't be right... right? The Erath IS round and spherical, isn't it??

FEMA Camps

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Special Prisons and Government Owned Facilities

Allegedly created for emergencies and martial law events, the conspiracy here is that these were created for far more nefarious reasons than to just be available to help in times of extreme weather events.


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The Association of Letters and Numbers

This particular literary Science is most used, to the secular researcher's great amazement, in deep studying of the Bible's letters as the book has Multiple thousands upon thousands of codes hidden in its wording unlike any other book. The Bible's language really is more than just face value. As Gematria maintains that each letter in any alphabet has a particular numeric value, this area of study delves into what the value is of names and titles. The Conspiracy comes into play when you see how many numbers just happen to line up with conspiratorial events and places in the Bible. No other book has this vast amount of codes by the way. The amount of intelligence required just to get one page of "code" to work out in any kind of sense is astronomically high.


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Nephilim & Anunnaki

The legendary tall humans of old. Though there is obvious evidence of giant animals too; this Iceberg subject will focus on the ginormous humans of ancient lore. Though some say rare enclaves of Giants still exist in hiding today.

Gerson Theory

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A Cure for Cancer

Developed by Dr. Max Gerson and continued by his even more famous daughter, Gerson Theory is one of many cures for cancer that has been developed, over this last century, by brilliant people such as these. Gerson Theory is natural and safe but as the Cancer Industry relies on their mega bucks, they fight tooth and nail to keep these cures from the public. It is a very sad example of how the love of money is the root of all evil.



Genetically Modified Organisms

Just as it sounds; this conspiracy has allot to do with what "they" are doing to our food. Processed food specifically has so much in it that should not be. Some of the worst offenders are High Fructose Corn Syrup (an Excito Toxin) and Maltodextrin. The General Mills cereals - specifically Cheerios, are notorious for having the chemical toxin Trisodium Phosphate. And that's not even mentioning the health and cleaning items so many use and what is in them.

Gobekli Tepi

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A Mysterious Ancient Ruin

This ancient stone ruin and set of artifacts is a huge catalyst for paradigm shifting location for modern archaeologists and traditional academic historians as it seems to directly contradict the accepted narrative of the mainstream. But this is not the only such ancient human site which baffles scientists; it's just one of the more famous ones.


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Or just Human Cloning in General

It's a conspiracy talking point that Gucci has produced a clone of their best model. But it's also a huge Deep State secret that Human Cloning has been going on for decades without the public knowing much of anything about it. But far too many whistleblowers have given their lives or had what remains of them ruined just to bring us the truth. The Elites don't want you to know that they can make copies of themselves for all manner of purposes; including for manipulation purposes concerning celebrities and political leaders who get out of order.

Jeffery Epstein

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The Man Who Didn't Kill Himself

While the official narrative still insists he did kill himself in a prison after he was arrested for connection to his infamous pedo island in the Bahamas. This is a nexus individual with connections to seemingly everybody who was anybody both good and bad. Though his bad connections were far worse than his good ones.
MUCH more to come on this topic for sure!

January 6th Insurrection


MSM Says the Insurrection was Outside

But any Patriot worth his salt knows the REAL Insurrection took place within the halls of Congress after they returned from their "scare" and totally ignored the dueling ballots that proved Electors knew that something was up with the vote count. Cowardly Vice President Pence abdicated his duty and pretended that he could do nothing.

But outside, while it was true, nearly 1.7 million Americans gathered to rally for Election Integrity, it was also true that when all was said and done - at most - only 200 folks actually violently rioted. Click the learn more link to go deeper.


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The Society of Jesus

Officially they are a devout religious group; a special arm of the Roman Catholic Church made up of extremely religious Priests that take on special tasks for the Church and to better humanity. But secretly they are much more...

Pictured above is the Jesuit General also known as the Black Pope.

JFK Assassination

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The Doorway to the Deep Rabbit Hole

On November 22, 1963 the President of the United States was violently gunned down by several assassin's bullets in both the public eye and on public television. It was a powerfully shocking event that traumatized a nation. And ever since, many have had a thousand unanswered questions concerning what really happened that day. Here is a link to the Official Story.

Jewish Conspiracies


Are the Jews Evil?

The Jews; formerly known - in ancient times - as the Hebrew people and then as Israelites before the nation split, this fascinating people have defied all historical precedent by surviving in ways that no other nation ever has. Even without a homeland for well over a millennia, they Jewish people maintained their history, culture, and religious practices despite stiff opposition and despite living spread out all over the planet. 

But is that not why so many hate them. Anti-Semitism stems from another facet of history that is oft forgotten: the evil and secretive group called the Synagogue of Satan and their vile Talmud.

Kevin Spacey Murders

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The tip of the Hollywood Evil Iceberg

Joked about in the Family Guy TV show, Kevin Spacey is just one of far too many Hollywood A listers who have taken part in secret murders, rapes, orgies, and even Satanic Ritual abuse and sacrifice. This iceberg subject is VERY dark. Many whistleblowers have already died trying to come forward in revelations of these things which just goes to show you how hard the Hollywood Elite try to keep this all under wraps. And yes; there is a direct connection from Mr. Spacey to both Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein.


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Ending the Internet

Though some say there is an "End to All Humanity" button, but that conspiracy is for a deeper Tier. The generic killswitch theory is referring to our government's ability to shut off the world wide web if they ever felt the need to. But - as of yet - no one really knows where this so called switch is.

Here is a brief Wikipedia article on this idea, and here is another short article on this concept.



Also called the Cosa Nostra

Those Infamous Urban, often family groups, that leave the bodies and take the Cannolis. The traditional Italian Mafia have been immortalized and romanticized by films; most notably the Godfather and Soprano series. But many don't know much about the ULTIMATE global Mafi group - the Illuminati. However this iceberg subject here will focus on explaining and delving into the American variety of this organized and often clandestine crime organization.

A separate page will be created eventually. But for now, a video from a First Hand Source:
A Mob Boss's Testimony

Manhattan Project

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The American Military Industrial Complex Program Created to invent the Atomic Bomb

Now a rather publicly available topic of history, this was once a highly classified government project; compartmentalized and being worked on by hundreds of thousands across many hundreds of facilities during the days of World War II.


As of 2023, the Christopher Nolan Film "Oppenheimer" gives the world a powerfully visual perspective on the man behind the bomb's creation in America.


In the future I plan to make an entire separate page on this topic. But for now - a Documentary list: 

Mao-Yale Connection

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Or the Communist American Infiltration

Ever since American leaders allowed Stalin's USSR and Mao's People's Republic to fester, the Communists have taken full advantage of US Politician's naivete or corruption to work their long term plan of global domination. And so, of course, America became a prime target for infiltration. And how better to take over a nation then by brainwashing future generations.


This topic will definitely require a page all of its own in the future. But for now, check out this Documentary if you can.

13 Minute Video

Mass Shootings


Ever since the 1980's...

...America has been home to far too many crazed angry people going into public spaces and shooting and killing many hundreds of people.
This subject will definitely require a huge page of its own one day. So check back to this coming year to see if I have made it yet.


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A Movie, and an Idea

The Matrix is a world system of fraudulent reality. Thanks to these films; especially the first one, many have had their eyes opened and taken the Red Pill of truth. 


I plan to make a page dedicated to this concept; one which spells out the details of our own world matrix and reveals the red pill truths you need to know. Below is a web site where you can examine a large documentary of several hours; covering much of the key material one would need to know in order to "red pill" themselves and finally see the Matrix of our world.

MH 370

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The Airplane that Disappeared

ripe with the stench of a cover up. A large modern commercial airliner does not just disappear off the map in the way this one did. This conspiracies galore have cropped up around this event took place mid march of 2018 and has had people baffled ever since. 

This subject will also need its own web page to go into the details, so check back in the coming years to see what I have put together. For now below is the Wiki link and HERE is the passenger family web page.

Max Headroom

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The TV Broadcast Highjacking

Max Headroom is a TV character, but he appears on this list because of November 22nd 1987 signal pirating that took place in Chicago. The broadcast LINKED HERE was interrupted with a strange and unexplained video of Max headroom or a lookalike to the character.
Read More about it HERE. It is unknown to this day whether or not this strange event had a deeper meaning. But as you can imagine, this sort of unsettling signal pirating has created a great many questions and remains a huge mystery.

McDonald's Ice Cream

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Why is the Machine Always Broke?

This conspiracy theory is likely a small coincidental thing that has simply become a "thing" because of company policy and incompetence. But some theorize that it is more. There is this FOOD THEORY Video and below is another in depth study by YouTube journalist Johnny Harris.

Mind over Body



A key human attribute that seems to be lacking in far too many people. Most modern parents do not seem to know how to raise their kids; but a vast majority of these may simply be limited by the indoctrination of the public school and mass media system. If you have fortitude then you have thick skin; you can take a joke, are not easily offended, and have incredible critical thinking skills. A mind with fortitude has a healthy amount of discernment and is not easily bothered by anything. Fear is a choice; paranoia is ridiculous. But if you are not already at this level in your mind how do you get there?

And why is this a part of a conspiracy list? Likely it is because one needs a strong mind with good fortitude to do any lengthy study of conspiracies... especially if you diver deeper into Tier 2 and beyond...

Messianic Judaism

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Jews who are Christians

These are a select group of Jews who still consider themselves Jewish and may even practice and observe Jewish holidays and traditions but whom accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Some of these types of religious people are strict about the need to adhere to certain practices while others are comfortable attending a non-denominationsl church. But these are distinguishable from the average Jew whom you can learn about below.

Military Industrial Complex

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The Bureaucracy that rules the world's Military and related Industries.

First coined by President Eisenhower in his now famous speech as  a warning to America, the MIC has grown to epic proportions and is now a giant entity that rules the world as the core of the Deep State structure. No other entity is as powerful or far reaching as the MIC reaches into and controls or has key connections with big business, big pharmaceutical, big media, and big mining; topped off with its near full control of the world's leading governments. The Military Industrial Complex makes up more than 80% of the Illuminati's world power and influence in my estimation. This is certainly a topic that deserves its own page one day.

MK Ultra

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The US Deep State's Mind Control Program

MK Ultra is an above top secret CIA/military program that sought to try and perfect human mind control techniques specifically geared to wards soldiers and black ops agents. But they also tried to work their "magic" on women and children. The program was part of a broader operation termed Project Monarch; a very different opp from that found in the fictional Godzilla verse program concerning the coverup and monitoring of giant hidden Kaiju. An entire page will be dedicate to this topic in the future. This MK Ultra Program woudl have created what are  known as Manchurian Candidates.

If this list seems simplistic to some of you who have already gone down the Rabbit hole before or who are adept at diving the various Icebergs of life, then bear with me; I will be expanding the site as I have ability to do so. Tiers 2 and on will be MUCH more in depth by simple nature of the content. Until then you can explore my links below or just communicate with me directly at my Contact Page also linked below. THANK YOU for taking the time to study my site. I began creating it in the winter of 2021. But my personal research goes back to about 2009.

Subjects I plan to add to the above Tier 1 list in the coming years are:

  • Psyops, the Trump Conspiracy, the Moon, Near Death Experience, the Philadelphia Experiment, Nikola Tesla, I am D. B. Cooper, the U. N. Agenda, the New World Order and quite a bit more. This page was last updated in November 2023.


The Bottom [or what WILL be the end] of only TIER 1 of the Conspiracy Iceberg. Use the Black Button below to Explore TIER 2 and its cold watery depths... NOTE: [Tier 1 is still under Construction]

Below here you will find some useful Conspiracy Research Links  Enjoy

FAVORITE Conspiracy Web Page

A List of Other Great Sites to Research

Though this site says "Top 10", you'll be glad to see he lists way more than just that number of links AND provides a review of the source as to how useful it is to his fellow researchers.


Current Events, Market Watch, and Research Links

And yes; Steve spells his name with a "v" on his web site, but with a "ph" on his books. I have no idea why.


Why not? - everyone wants to know what this letter says these days, so here is your link:

Whether this "source" is a person, a group, or something else - whatever it is has been a great catalyst for red pilling the normies.
The most recent postings were on November 27th 2022.

If you want to know exactly

WHAT Q is Click HERE.


Zeitgeist: Addendum

A follow up film to one of the same first name, "Zeitgeist" which term refers to one's worldview; this one of those examinations of recent history that really puts  ALLOT into perspective.

An Ancient but Vital Web Page

This simple web page has an excellent compilation of links and is great for researching numerous Conspiracy topics.


These Pages are not mine, but we share a Site Name

So this page (See button Below) shares my page name, though not all my info. Oddly, it seems to have NOTHING on it at all, but if it ever does, it will hopefully be a good link one day.

Oh - and it may not be related, but here is a Facebook Page with the same name and an inactive YouTube Page.


An Excellent REAL News Web Site

With hard hitting and well written articles by experts in the field, this news page is a rare place these days but comes highly recommended.


The New Drudge

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