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Welcome to the End of DAYS!

Just kidding - though we are at least going to consider allot of "End Times" things here; those things which MIGHT be what will still yet happen in the future.

Eschatology or End Times

Is Largely a Religious Topic

Though even non-believers have ideas about how "it all might end." Some believe we will get wiped out by a virus. Others think Earth will be destroyed by an asteroid impact or Comet strike. Then there are those who believe that we will somehow destroy or overpopulate our planet's environment and end Earth's livability in that way.


But whereas those ideas are purely speculative, the religious folks at least have their Holy Books to guide them in the forthcoming specifics... if they can properly interpret the future prophecies from them that is.


But the gist is This: Most Christians believe that at some point (possibly in the near) future, certain events will kick off as described in the New Testament book of REVELATIONS most commonly known as the Apocalypse.

WHO Knows the FUTURE?

Survey of All the THEORIES:

One day I may get around to doing pages on the following ideas:

  1. Islamic 12th Imam prophecies

  2. Buddhist Lord Maitreya Beliefs

  3. Kabbalistic Jewish Lucifer Predictions

  4. And Other Esoteric End Times Beliefs


But since I am VERY familiar with Christianity and its wide variety of End Times teachings and theories, I will focus this page on those ideas for now. SCROLL DOWN to Dig in!

A Variety of Beliefs

But they are all based on the Bible in some way or form.

CHRISTIANITY is old at about 1,980 years old or so if you base it on the date of when Jesus started His ministry in Palestine back in about 30 A.D. Sure, other religions are older, but that is not the topic of this paragraph or section of the web site; so let's not get distracted.


The Point is that after over 1,000 plus years, allot happened to affect beliefs and change minds. And ever since Jesus left, believers have looked to His Word - the Bible - and tried to figure out when Jesus Christ would return. Those Disciples alive when Christ was in the midst of His ministry asked Him these things directly and they got a direct answer. It is recorded in the New Testament gospels of Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 14 and Luke chapter 21. SEE This Link if You Feel the Need to jump right into Reading these chapters.


So even though Jesus Himself told His disciples what would happen in person, and it was all recorded for us in the Bible from 3 different penman's perspectives, AND after 1900 years of scholarly examination, study, comparison to Old Testament prophecy, and much debate - we still to this day can't all agree on what exactly the future things are going to be, must mean that it is still a mystery. And perhaps Jesus words do apply still to this very day: "No man knoweth the day or the hour..."


But we just about almost all agree on one SINGLE issue though - that JESUS WILL Return one day to this Earth.


But I'm sure you noticed that I said almost.  That is because you will even find some minority Christian sects that don't even agree that He will come again at all. They either argue that Christ already came as He promised back in history, (like in 70 A.D.) or that He is not coming for one reason or another. Some argue that when Jesus comes, He will touch foot on the ground and an entire mountain will split while others say He will only be returning in the clouds. Some say He will destroy the Earth when He comes and others say He will be rapturing His Saints out and off from the Earth. You see how it goes now? Nobody can agree one hundred percent; its ridiculous but this is how we humans are. (huge heavy sigh and shrug)


At this point it is rather interesting to consider what the Romans thought of the future. Click to View a VIDEO.


But let's start organizing out all the beliefs into categories so they can be better understood. For those of you who do believe one theory or the other, I'm sure you'll have fun identifying and then comparing yours with the others. We will start with the broad category that all Christian (or Bible Believer's) End Times theories fall into concerning the Millennium which will be described below.



The Millennium is a Biblical term for the "Thousand Year Reign of Christ" that is described in the last book of the New Testament and Bible: Revelations. Most of these Pre-Millennials believe this to be a very literal and future event where the LORD Jesus Christ will descend to Earth and set up a physical kingdom where He will politically rule the nations with a rod of iron as the Bible says in Revelations 2:27 for exactly 1,000 literal 365 planetary rotations (also known as years). And those that believe we still live prior to this event are PRE-Millennialists. There are (of course) many different specific beliefs within this large Pre-Millennial camp but we will get to those later.

More Definitions:

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These people believe the opposite; that the Thousand Year Reign of Christ is either past or present. They may or may not believe in it being a literal 1,000 year period and thus, may also accept that it could be more symbolic in its prophetic description. And so again we will look at the variety of belief systems in this camp later on as well.

And no - just in case you are getting distracted - this term Millennial here in the context of this page has absolutely NOTHING to do with the modern generation of people who have grown up with the advent of the internet and social media.


Though similar to some Post-Millennials who believe the Thousand Year reign is present in some way; Amillenials hold very strongly that this (and many other things written in Revelations) are all allegory and symbolism and should not be taken as literal future events.


Its always wise, in lists like these, to leave open a small category of the odd ones who have extremely diverging beliefs from all the rest because - let's face it - we humans will find a reason to argue and fight over anything. Unfortunately... (Heavy sad sigh) Christians are no different... even though they should be. Though I should be fair and say that MOST Christians I have met in my life have been outstandingly nice and hospitable people who truly do care for others. But when it comes to these specific and rather niche beliefs; they can become real hornets when and if you challenge them.

But as promised, we will now break down the above Four Categories even farther. We will start with the biggest and most complex one - PRE-MILLENNIALISM


And here we go - this is gonna get crazy. There are almost as many specific Rapture theories as there are denominations so I will be forced to just stick with the biggest groupings and try and lump all the smaller fringe theories in where they fit; hopefully this works out. Gotta make Jesus proud right?

Bottom line: a Pre-Millennial Rapture is a rapture that takes place BEFORE the physical and literal Millennial reign of Christ here on Earth. It is traditionally taught to be the first event to signal the End Times or the Tribulation or the 70th Week. See more below.

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This main line theory holds that there will be a Rapture of the Church (or in some cases only part of the Church) before GOD then sends Great Tribulation or punishment upon the disbelieving and unrepentant here on Earth and usually for a period of 7 years.


Click the star marked Title of this Section to go to the RAPTURE study page.

Post-Tribulational RAPTURE

This theory argues that the Rapture is an event that is one and the same with Christ's Return and the setting up of His Millennial Kingdom. So this theory sees the Rapture at the end of the tribulation period often coinciding with the 2nd Resurrection event. These believers usually describe and point to various scriptures indicating that GOD will provide shelter for all Saints on Earth while everyone else is enduring the Great Tribulation of GOD since the church does not get raptured out before said tribulation.


See rapture link to the left for more.

No Rapture Event

Some would say that there is no coming rapture and that we should instead just look for a Final Resurrection and New Body event (or regeneration of all those alive at Christ's coming) as described in I Corinthians 15:52 where GOD comes AFTER the world has been fully taken over by Christians and peace has been restored to all nations. So these deny any need for a Rapture and point out that this word is not even a Biblical word after all... and they would be right. There is also Jesus constant talk of the Last Day.


Of course there is Mid-Trib theory and the Partial Rapture theory(s) too - but all of it deals with the Rapture so just go to that page if you wish to dig in and study. See if you can't prove to yourself when the Rapture takes place... if it even takes place at all. Look for the orange star nearby to find the Rapture page link.


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Or Something Else

Maybe they are ALL wrong and we live in a simulation. Or maybe we already passed by all the Apocalypses and the Millennium and Rapture and we are now living in a sort of Post-Resurrection limbo land of mystery and uncertainty...

Perhaps the answer to everything really is 42.

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There is Much More...

To Add to this Page - But I am tired of writing and page building for now.

So to all who come and see this very early edition of this page; I apologize for its sparseness. But I WILL be returning soon to continue and add more content which is sorely needed for this broad subject. Until then you can click Return Home to go back to the Iceberg LIST or click the Bible button below because you feel like Reading Revelations now. This page was last updated November 17th, 2023 at 10 AM EST.

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