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Welcome to the BIGFOOT


Immediately below here are four pictures; three of them are men in suits and one is a real life Ape walking. Can you tell the difference?

A Scientific Examination

of the most popular Bigfoot Evidence up from Ancient times up to 2003

This Documentary is excellent. In it, the Patterson Footage is fairly conclusively proven to be real film of an actual North American Ape more commonly known as Bigfoot.

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North America is HUGE

...and the land untouched by humans and civilization is far larger than most realize. Google Maps gives the impression that it has all been explored and is regular seen or trafficked by mankind, but this is not the case. A single still shot satellite picture from above does not reveal all the hidden life below. MUCH of the wilds of the western American States and the Canadian provinces lie as pristine wilderness full of nature and its creatures. Also much of it is treacherous to hike being many miles from the nearest road or lodging. Thus it is easy for an intelligent ape to hide from the often big, lumbering, and loud man.

And as any hunter will confirm for you; our human scent is strong and wild animals can often smell us from miles away. It is for these (and several other) reasons that a creature like Bigfoot has remained a mystery to this day.


Evidence that Demands a Verdict:

Real Dermal Ridge bearing footprints

Many thousands of casts have been made of alleged Bigfoot, and an expert eye can tell the difference between forgeries and the real deal. You can't fake authentic dermal ridges for instance. A crime scene investigator can tell you all about that as well as other details.

There is also the fact that more people want to know about the truth than wish to go out of their way to prank or create fraudulent evidence.


SCAT or Droppings

Field Biologists have found and been given numerous Bigfoot waste samples that have been examined. Researchers familiar with these studies now know what Bigfoot likes to eat as well as have DNA samples to compare and


BONE & HAIR Samples

Scientists who have examined ancient Bigfoot bones say it is of the Gigantopithecus Ape type. This specific species is "officially" believed to be extinct, but the eventual verification of what exactly Bigfoot or Yeti is may change that assumption.

The hair samples found were given to scientists from individuals who had a very close encounter with a Bigfoot either from their vehicles or on their home properties where these apes have visited from time to time. These hair pieces provide some of the best DNA evidence for Bigfoot.

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The BFRO web site keeps Careful

Records of authentic Bigfoot sightings and is one of the oldest and well known such Organizations.

The BFRO (and the many other similar groups) have many volunteer experts, veteran field hands, subject matter scientists and other experts alongside plenty of common folk who work together to gather, examine, and verify the many thousands of sightings that occur in North America  each year as well as organize search and camp out expeditions in known Bigfoot habitats.

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When You Come Across a big Creature in the Dark...

Not everybody tells their friends and family what they experience as the real event may seem ridiculous and reporting it would make them look foolish; especially if they were alone and had no picture or video to back up what they saw. Add to this the fact that even fewer still would bother to tell their story to an organization like the BFRO, and you can now see how there logically HAS to be truth to the existence of this large North American APE as those that do report number in the tens of thousands. Each spot marked on this map is a verified sighting and this map is already reaching a decade old by the time you are seeing it.


The Pacific Northwest is where Bigfoot's are seen most often. This (in California) is where the Patterson Footage was shot. And up in Washington is where the Memorial Day footage was taken. The Western US is also where others were allegedly captured and taken hostage by a Bigfoot clan several decades back.


And as you can see to the right, even though this image was taken almost a decade ago, it shows high numbers of sightings in the US. 

Here is a web site that tracks SOME but not all sightings of Bigfoot. LINK

The BFRO provides better Tracking at THIS LINK as they have a more comprehensive system of categorizing the sightings as exhibited by the picture to the right.

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Legends and Lore

Bigfoot (or as the Indians call it) Sasquatch has been a North American ever thing since man first immigrated to this continent and settled parts of it for their home. The sightings only increased as Europeans immigrated over adding more eyes to witness these mystery creatures.

And ever since it has become part of American lore just as the Yeti is part of the Himalayan Mountain range lore.


Many theories abound as to what exactly Bigfoot is. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. It is Fake; all sightings are a mis-identification or a hoax.

  2. It is real; Bigfoot is just another member of the great Ape family.

  3. It is a fellow sentient; equal to human in intelligence and living in an isolationist culture from humans.

  4. It is an alien or a dimensional being of some kind. (Which would include demon for the more sensational among this kind of believer)

Of course this web page author believes in is choice number 2. Bigfoot seems to objectively be a lager North American ape likely still not identified officially because of the great embarrassment this admission would represent to the academic and scientific communities of the western world.

That's all for now

Check back in the coming year to see what new info has been added to this page. There are many skeptics out there thanks to the way main stream academia and media portrays Bigfoot and mocks its existence. But when you are friends with people who have seen it up close and in person - as I am - and have done your own research - like I have - then you have no reason to doubt.

To me it is obvious; Sasquatch is just another fascinating creature that lives on this world alongside us. But until the academic community comes down off their high tower and gets their head out of, you know where, we will just have to go on including this primate in the classification known as CRYPTIDS.

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