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The BIBLE - Also known as "Holy Scriptures" ~ the WORD of GOD ~ and the Guidebook of Humanity. It has been revered, studied, hated, loved, argued over, debated, and talked about by billions of believers for over 2 Millennia now. And its older half (The Old Testament or Torah) has been similarly popular for hundreds of years more than that. Its affect on Earth has been powerful.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Thoughts on the Bible

WHO Wrote It?

Many & ONE

This book is the culmination of more than 4000 years of workmanship (most of it written within a 1,400 year span) across many nations, times, peoples, scholars, prophets, kings, sages, heroes, and ages gone by all under the direction of THE all-seeing, all knowing, all powerful GOD. With more than 40 vastly different authors written as far back as 3,000 B.C. up till the last writing of John the Apostle in 65 - 90 A.D., this book is truly a work of many hands, while also being the ultimate work of one author – the One True GOD and Creator of the Universe. He guided holy men of old to write, and they wrote in perfection and without error. They wrote down their God-breathed words in their own languages (Moses edited Genesis together from ancient tablets and then wrote the rest of the Pentateuch in Hebrew) and with the exception of the book of Daniel, most all of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew. In the days following Jesus's ascension into heaven, the Apostles were moved to write the New Testament in Koine Greek by the Holy Spirit during the first century of the church. These autographs (fancy word for original, first writings) were then copied and passed down by Christians and other Bible believers; i.e. the hands of the Christian Church, till it began to need translation into the various languages. Though most of the original writings no longer exist today, thousands upon thousands of ancient copies or apographa can be found across Europe today in places of learning and study. Most of them are New Testament manuscripts of the Majority, Byzantine, or Antiochian family of texts. About 50 of these texts belong to the Alexandrian or Minority Text group. These latter ones are often used because of their great age. But these older text have serious translation errors which has caused allot of consternation and debate among Bible theologians and scholars since the day these old corrupt texts were discovered in Alexandria Egypt and the Vatican Library in Rome. See this WEB PAGE for details on Bible Manuscripts.


More about this old text issue will be discussed on another future page later. But feel free to Google it and see for yourself. The issue is a hot button topic for many Christians today; especially those who are fundamentalist in ideology.

12 Minute VIDEO Clip: Questions on GOD's Existence

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The PARTS of the BIBLE

There are TWO Main parts of the Bible with an entire series of other historical, lost, or Gnostic gospels that also are closely associated with the Bible and its history.


Don't let anyone fool you; look it up and verify for yourself. Parts of the BIBLE

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Also known as the Hebrew (or Jewish) TORAH. This large section of the Bible contains some of the oldest writings on Earth. In the Book of Genesis specifically, ancient 10 penman who lived before the Great Cataclysm (The Flood of NOAH) that caused the Ice Age, wrote down Telodoths back in the day as they were moved of GOD to do so, and these were preserved and would be one day given to Moses who would then edit them together into the now famous first book of the Bible.


The rest of the O.T. is written by various other historical figures: Warriors, Prophets, Priests, Kings, and Sages. King David of ancient Israel may be one of the most prolific writers having written much of the Psalms while Moses, and the Prophets Jeremiah and Samuel may be close seconds as far as written volume go. So this Old Testament can be organized into 3 groupings: the Historical Narrative Books, the Poetic Books, and the Prophetic Books.


Over 10,000 ancient Hebrew manuscripts exist to authenticate the veracity and authenticity of this portion of the Bible.


This is the 2nd portion of the Bible that was written by Jewish Believers in Jesus Christ and those which would quickly become known as Christians. (a word that literally means "little Christs")


The New Testament can also be organized into 3 groupings: the Gospels, the Church Epistles (epistle is an old word for a letter) and the Prophecy of Jesus Christ - more commonly known as REVELATIONS.


This portion of the Bible is what the Christian Church today is supposed to use as their spiritual guide. It explains in books like Romans and Hebrews how Jesus Christ fulfilled and did away with the ordinances of the Levitical Law.


Thus the New Testament is a both an historical record of the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ and of the first years of His newly established Church.

But the N.T. is also a catalyst for the specifics of HOW to know for sure you can get to heaven. While the Old Testament alluded to Salvation of all mankind from sin in places like Jeremiah 31 or Isaiah 52, it is laid bare in the gospels and supported in the Epistles.  If you want to posses HOPE of a good life after death and be SURE you are going to Heaven when you die, please make use of these resources: THIS LINK or...


The Apocryphal Books & Other "Gospels"

This set of books are either directly referenced and quoted by the Bible or have confirming and relevant Historical context - OR - are forgeries attempting to ride the coat tails of the great success the Bible has had down through the centuries. So the books the Bible references are THESE. And then here is a link for further reading:

Bible Study Resources


This is my favorite internet version of the Bible. Its set up and accessibility is excellent too.

The Ultimate Bible Study Tool. A pastors, preachers, Bible professor's, and ANY student of the Bible's very best friend. At least that is what I am told by those who regularly use it.

Arguably the BEST dictionary to use in conjunction with the Bible as it accurately defines all Bible words with clarity and precision. And this is very important since King James English is an older form of English with over 600 words used in the text that are not used in modern English.

Though the E-sword Program above will have this built in, if you just need a quick look up for what the Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic for certain Bible words are, you need a Concordance. This tool also lets you quickly assess how many times a certain word is found in scripture and lists where each occurrence is. So you can see how this tool might be VERY useful to any Bible researcher.


The Academics for verifying your Bible authenticity! The following are listed from most influential and helpful to least - generally speaking. But this is of course subjective as ALL of these are great resources in and of themselves - not PERFECT - but definitely helpful.

​There are FAR more resources available in the literary or academic world than are listed here. These are just the items I am familiar with and own and use or have used myself; hence my promoting them. But feel free to explore and find your own excellent resources as there are many in all manner of genres and fields of science. 

Excellent Theological Web Sources:

Places to go online and study, read, or watch.


For as much as they may support "evil" they also support good guys too. On this - the largest internet video creation, hosting, and streaming service - you can find amazing and incredible Bible study sources from all walks of life and perspectives. So below are listed just a  FEW of the great channels found on this monster internet platform and these are not listed in any particular order:

Creation Science Links

The real Science that backs up the Bible; specifically the Genesis record of a Young Earth, a real world wide Cataclysm Flood, and the resulting Geography and Climate of modern Earth.

More Web Sites

Internet Spaces for Bible Study and Resources:

CHRISTIAN Places Worth Mentioning

Locations where the Spirit can get fed and find true peace the way I did. NOTE ~ The Author has personally visited and been blessed by most all of these locations

Please note that not everything stated or shared in the above links will be in complete agreement with what I, the website author, believe. But I share their pages and videos feely as I encourage the analyzing of diverging points of view and alternate perspectives as it greatly helps in learning about any subject.


This Page is still under Construction.

I have future plans to add the following items either to a connected web page or onto this page itself:

  1. A Bible Translation History Page​

  2. A King James Bible Focus Study

  3. Other Religious Books

  4. And other related topics

So check back in a few months to see what has been added. But for now, I will give you a link to get back to the HOME page and the rest of the Conspiracy Iceberg:

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