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WHO are the JEWS?

They are GOD's originally chosen people.

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The Seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

The book of Genesis in the Old Testament (or the Torah) is the record of how GOD chose out and created a nation of people to represent HIM to the world. This nation would first grow up in bondage under Egyptian rule, but would then be lead out by Moses to receive the Law of GOD from the very hand of GOD at Mt. Saini in northern Arabia. They would then be organized into 12 unique tribes and wander the Arabian wilderness for a few decades then travel north into Canaan and conquer the Nephilim infested Philistines by GOD's direct command. But the Israelites would fail to kill all the Nephilim resulting in Giants escaping to live in Europe, Britain, and eventually the Americas and the far ends of the Earth. Learn a bit more on this from my GIANTS page. 

But as for the Israelites, by 1500 B.C. they had pretty much settled what would eventually become known as Palestine and made it their home. It would remain so till the descending, and by then split nation, descendants of the Israelite tribes had all been conquered and taken away captive by the Assyrians and then the Babylonians in the late 500's B.C. The Jews would remain in captivity till Babylon became Persian land and were then released from captivity by Cyrus the Great. But according to the O. T. book of Ezra, only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi were accounted for. The other 10 tribes never returned home nor would they keep their Israeli faith and practices; instead wandering into and settling the then empty lands of the European continent. So the 10 tribes of Israel would eventually become the European tribes of the Danish, the Jutes, the Goths, the Franks, the Saxons, and so on. 

But meanwhile back home in the land of Israel, the remaining 3 tribes took on the name of the dominant tribe of Judah and became known from then on as the Jews. The Jews would rebuilt their city and temple and even after being taken over by the Greeks and then the Romans, would remain steadfast and stubborn as always. Even after the God Man Jesus came and claimed to be their Messiah; the Jews largely rejected him - had Pilot crucify Him - and then began a revolt that would result in their permanent exile from their homeland a full 2nd time by the year 130 A.D. But those Jews who recognized the fulfilment of their old Law and prophets accepted Jesus and joined their gentile brothers in the new faith soon called Christianity.

But from then on Jews would take a second place seat so to speak in world religion as GOD set them aside metaphorically speaking and focused His deity energies on growing and spreading His Church. But the stubborn Jews would go on believing that their Messiah was still a future coming person and would live - once again spread out all over the Earth - as they always had. Only now they had no temple or holy city to return to. being Jewish up until 1948 A.D. was a rather sad and thankless life to live. But they persevered and endure even unto this day. Obvious post WWII the Jews then began a new era of positivity and prosperity as they were finally allowed to return home to Palestine (even though it had by then been claimed by those that had moved into the long abandoned land. So the resident Palestinians had to move out or stay put as the Israelis moved in. This forced relocation and integration has caused many disagreements and fighting to be sure.

But that is just the cliff-notes summary of the Jews. We have yet to actually go down deep with the many historical and practical reasons for why the Jews get so much hate. So let's get to that then.

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GOD Haters


Ethnic Haters


In Reaction to Evil People

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And the MOST Common Reason  for Jewish Hate

The Jews are just simply better at so much so many Anti-Semites are just plain JEALOUS. Call its GOD's permanent blessing on them, or their being descendant of good genes; whatever the reason - a large among of Jews are smarter, richer, and much more successful than are their counterparts in other ethnicities. Listen to Dr. Jordan Peterson explain it here: VIDEO

So its ultimately just plain and stupid human jealously. Many are annoyed and just plain green with envy at how blessed the Jewish people are. 
But it IS interesting how many of the rich and powerful Jews may also be a part of the Illuminati on some level... so there is that factoid too.

But here is a further video on the Success of the Jews.


There is a group - let's just cut right to the chase - that are among the most detestable humans on Earth. Surely you agree that kidnapping and then torturing and killing kids is the most vile thing yes? Well this group, who call themselves the Synagogue of Satan, are the absolute worst as they do this or their religious ceremonies several times a year at least. They are also known by another name; the Illuminati - so if you wish to know more about them, please go to the Illuminati Page to learn more.

But here - we are focused on the Jewish aspect of this group. And the Synagogue of Satan hold this name as they are they alleged highest Synagogue of all Jewish Synagogues. They (who hold to the Talmud religiously) believe that Lucifer is the true GOD and that Yahweh is the evil one. And so they honor and worship Satan in their highest and most secretive rituals. And since Satan requires human sacrifice; hence the child trafficking and ritual abuse and murder.

Some hate the Jews simply because they hate all of one ethnicity; in this case the Semite - or Jewish person. Though it is interesting to note how the term Semite refers to more than just the Jews. See this Britannic definition here.


But in modern times, post the eugenics ideology of the late 18th century - bolstered by Darwinian Evolution theory that gives credence to different races of men, a number of groups became racist and some decided (for various reasons) that the Jews as a race were lower or viler than other humans. And for the record - progressive Americans like Margrett Sanger had this ideology long before Adolf Hitler was ever born.

There is also the Edomite connection. Some think that the modern Jews are actually Edomites and are therefore cursed by GOD.


Some people have hated the Jews or Hebrews simply because they were GOD's chosen people. When you represent a Deity, its only natural that some will hate you by association.




In other words, below will be a list of some of the key topics I hope to address on this page as I have time and ability to do so.


So I do not yet personally know much about this strange sounding conspiracy theory, but I do plan to eventually look into it and post what I find. I did not even know this was a "thing" until a 2021.

Doesn't this just sound cool?

The Kazars

An Ethnic Group

The Karazian Jew theory is a historical theory that alleges where the modern Jew came from. I will attempt to lay out this theory in full in the future as well as why in may or may not be plausible.

The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel

In this subject I plan to spell out exactly who the 10 tribes were, what happened to them, and who they might be today.

Those who did not come home from the Exile.

Down the Rabbit Hole

On the Jewish Control...

Of almost everything. This web page is a fascinating read if nothing else. Some of what he says and claims is verifiably true, other things are more or less conjecture or supposition. But it is up to you to decide. There is definitely much that I this web site's author don't know. But definitely take the following web site's info with a grain of salt: ITS A SIGN - Your Portal to Truth, Wisdom, and Change!

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