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Extraterrestrial or Inter-dimensional Beings

Aliens have been a "thing" for mankind to puzzle over for just about all of existence as cave art and other such ancient artifacts clearly indicate. The entire premise of the ancient-alien or builder race set of theories rests on this conclusion; that we are not - and have not been, alone in the Cosmos since the dawning of mankind on Earth.

Some will even push that certain alien races have existed on their worlds for millennia longer than us here on Earth; especially if they subscribe to an evolutionary way of thinking concerning the origins of life. Us Creationist or intelligent design types think simpler: we believe GOD made them and placed them on their own various worlds throughout the universe just as He placed us humans here. Now as to whether that creation event for these other worlds happened at the same time as ours, or much earlier in the universe's history; we - as of yet - have no clear factual answer; only conjecture and assumptions. But it is rather objectively factual that GOD made this Earth if you will honestly asses the information found in the Bible in conjunction with an honest and objective assessment of all historical documentation.

One thing is for sure; based on all the UFO, abductions, Close Encounters, and other such strange alien events that have been documented to have occurred for all of human existence, [Read About Some Here] we simply MUST be living in a galaxy (and by extension, universe) that is teeming with all kinds of intelligent life! Though it is certainly possible that some of this alien life might exist in another dimension to ours as well, we just cannot be sure at this time. Our current societal level of development is only just beginning to grow in any real sense these last 200 years.

Our Interstellar Neighbors

Cinema like Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, and a wide variety of other Science-Fiction media has allowed many in modern civilization to grow accustomed to the idea of a myriad of alien races existing "out there" beyond the stars. But do any of our real-life E.T.s look like Spock or Chewy? Some say a definite yes while others claim a definitive now usually stating that God would have told us  if there were other life.

Recent News Video Compilation

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If you are Here, then You likely already Believe

Or you are at least open to the Possibility...

That we are not ALONE in this universe.


Most modern people in society accept our existing in a universe of life as a foregone conclusion while some do not. The largest group of Alien deniers would likely be the Religious group. So this next paragraph is for you theistic types:

Do you really think GOD would not want to fill His vast Creation with life? What is your explanation for all the variety of angel type beings described by the Bible as already existing in heaven? And have you even given the UFO, Alien abduction stories, or Close Encounter testimonies the proper time and research? Fact is - most who assume that there are no aliens and that GOD only made us humans here on Earth only are also making a WHOLE lot of other assumptions. Does not your own Book of Wisdom say: "He who answers a matter before he hears it - this is folly and disgrace to him." Prov. 18:13.

So why not take some time to utilize this great tool that is the internet and STUDY before you make assumptions about things you know nothing about. And yes - it is true - Demons can and most likely have appeared as aliens to some people over the centuries; no doubt that is a factor. But Demonic activity does not explain ALL alien and UFO activity. Just give this topic a good old college level of examination and you will see what I am talking about. 


As for the the rest of us believers; we have either begun with an open mind, have met some eye witnesses, (or survivors) or have done enough research of our own to make some practically astute observations if we have not been eye witnesses of UFO's or even aliens ourselves. But as an avid research nerd, I (this page author) am convinced that we are most definitely not alone in this Galaxy, let alone this entire massive universe. Now as to whether or not we have near neighbors on, say Mars or Venus - it is certainly possible; but not yet an objective fact. So dig on down below for some of the best Alien & UFO sources I have come across:


As an aside - if you have never seen STAR WARS, you may want to view this montage to get an idea of what its all about: EMPIRE

See Further Sci-Fi series Trailers to the RIGHT >>>


Everything You Need to Find MORE

And MUCH more will be added to this page in the coming years as these few links are but a smidge of what is available online

John Lear

Former USAF Test Pilot/Researcher & NDE Participant

I discovered Mr. Leer about a decade back thanks to some YouTube recommendations. It was one of my first Project Camelot interviews, hosted by Kerry Cassidy The things that Mr. Lear had to say arrested my attention right away. He was sat down at his desk right there in his nick-knack and memorabilia filled home office as Kerry asked a few questions and then let him go; John telling all he knew in several hour long sessions. And he knew allot. Mr. Lear had seen allot in his adventurous life. In all his years as a pilot and as the son of the inventor of the Lear Jet; John had almost literally "seen it all."

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L. A. Marzulli

An Professional Researcher & Documentarian Filmmaker

L. A. is a kind, studious, and methodical man of his field; in depth research. His "Watchers" Series is nearly unparalleled in its professionalism, attention to detail, and objective presentation of the facts.
While his interests and Documentaries cover many fields; Aliens and UFO's are certainly chief among them.

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Dr. Stan Deyo

Former Black Projects Scientist

Dr. Stan Deyo's career has been incredible and his knowledge base is vast. Recruited to work in Austrailia's underground facility at Pine Gapp, Stan got to see and work on some pretty cool projects to say the least.

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Sean David Morton

Researcher, Author, Speaker, Filmmaker, Producer, Psychic

Another guy who has seen and done more than could be imagined by the average Joe. he is close friends with Kerry Cassidy and has had his share of government persecution in recent years for his disclosure of Deep State Secrets in regards to Black Ops Tech and UFOs.
Learn More about him in the following links:

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Dr. Steven Greer

A Professional Ufologist

Dr. Greer has been a well known voice in the UFO, Alien, and Disclosure world for a long time. Some say he is a dis-info agent, but I believe that he simply has a core set of beliefs and a way that he does things that can sometimes upset the more open minded or those with a different mindset. That said, Steven obviously is a strong voice for getting transparency in the way the Government deals with Space and the Unexplained and I am all about that!

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Greatly ridiculed in the Academic and Media mains stream ever since his infamous radio interview, this Scientist was one of the few brave souls to disclose what was going on in the above top Secret Area 51 in the south Nevada Desert. 


Sources and Videos

An Excellent Site by Dr. Michael Salla

Articles of Recent Years

The Coming Deception (Part of the Eschatology Theory Set)

The U. S. Sun Article

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Other Useful Links



People have about Aliens are as follows:

They are real, live Beings or Entities from other Worlds (Planets) or Dimensions.

So this belief holds that aliens are your Typical Space Buddy and or Alien Invader depending on if they are friendly, angry, or hungry.

These are more often than not some form of little Grey or Green men. Though some people insist the aliens they saw were more yellowish in color. This is the common trope and or description most likely because (assuming they are real) this is just how their physiology is: generally small - 4 to 5 feet high with very slim bodies and large heads boasting almond shaped black eyes and almost always naked. And yes, sometimes demons appear to take on this appearance too but that is a discussion for the next point so let's not get ahead of ourselves.


But while this is the most common alien type seen or described, its not the only kind. There are also Reptilian types, insect types, light or energy body types, and so on. Aliens come is a variety of shapes, sizes and types based on eye witness testimony.


A very common Christian explanation

As discussed in the opening paragraph at the top of this page, those religious devotees who (for some reason) cannot or will not accept that there are any other forms of intelligent or sentient life out there must then assume all alien and UFO sightings or events are supernatural things are caused by mostly demonic forces. Though they will admit the more positive events or sightings could be angelic. But this is more of the same and as far as they will normally go mentally.

The bottom line is that these kinds of alien deniers will only accept "other" life, or "alien" life as that which exists in the spiritual realm or heavenly/hellish dimensions. These stubborn people either assume the entire universe to be empty and void of all life but our human life here on Earth -OR- they believe that space is either fake or allot smaller (like a high atmospheric Dome) if they are Flat Earthers of some kind. 


Is it all a Simulation?

If you thought the last description was "crazy", then this could get even weirder here depending on your point of view. If we live in some kind of computer simulation (matrix) then the Gods are the Developers (often called DEVs) and nothing is actually real in a sense as its all just code and mental images or perceptions. So you could just be a brain in a jar. Fun Video Link assuming that we ARE in a simulation.


And there could even be a stranger explanation or category for aliens than these three here that I have just not thought of yet. Feel free to contact me if you are aware of another category I can add here.


As there is obviously LOADS more that could be discussed


Would naturally require its own dedicated page and so I plan to build one eventually. But I will have to build that (and many other pages) when I can eventually upgrade this currently free web site. The picture and file MB limit constrains me at present.

Alien Abductions

Which seem to occur surprisingly regularly to a small percent of people all over the Earth each year. So - yet again - this subject would require yet another further web page which I plan to make in the future. 

And Other Alien stuff

I will certainly add other "alien related stuff" that I cannot currently conceive of or have forgotten is a part of Alien conspiracy theories as I come across it. When you get down into the weeds of this topic (just like so many others) there are all kinds of crazy ideas, theories, stories, and just plain fascinating connections and facts to dig into. So do not be surprised to find this web page greatly expanded in the coming years.

One Final Thought...

"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." ~ Arthur C. Clarke

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